Un-conventional moments: A look back at GOP National Conventions

Scene at the 1968 Republican National Convention, Miami Beach, Florida. (Ralph CraneTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Ronald Reagan at the 1964 Republican National Convention in San Francisco. (Ralph CraneTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Republicans hold an informal conference in a kitchen during the 1952 GOP National Convention in Chicago. (Cornell CapaTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Scene during the 1960 Republican National Convention in Chicago. (Michael RougierTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Pennsylvania delegates to the 1944 Republican National Convention in Chicago pull cold beers from a tub of ice after a caucus meeting. (Thomas McAvoyTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Scene during the 1960 Republican National Convention in Chicago. (Michael RougierTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

A young Republican rests on a sofa in the Hotel Adelphi during the 1940 GOP National Convention in Philadelphia. ("Van" is Sen. Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan, long considered a front-runner for the GOP nomination; instead, the Republicans nominated Indiana's Wendell Willkie, who lost the election to the Democratic incumbent, FDR.) (David E. SchermanTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images)