Two dozen Congressional Republicans demand Google reinstate Live Action's 'life-saving' advertisements

The Republican members of Congress express concern over Google's ability to 'safeguard or stifle' free expression

Two dozen members of Congress are calling on Google to reinstate advertisements from Live Action, a non-profit, anti-abortion organization, which promoted Heartbeat International’s Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) hotline.

In a letter hand-delivered to Google CEO Sundar Pichai by Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., the members demanded Google reverse its September 13 ban on the advertisements which contain "life-saving information on abortion pill reversal."

Google CEO Sundar Pichai speaks during the keynote address of the Google I/O conference in Mountain View, Calif., Tuesday, May 7, 2019. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

"We are deeply disappointed that you have not reversed Google’s unjust decision to censor life-saving information on abortion pill reversal," the letter stated. "We had hoped to receive assurances of Google’s commitment to uphold the fundamental principle of freedom of speech and follow the science. Unfortunately, Google’s response only increases our alarm."


In the letter, carried by Daines in the Senate and Reps. Jim Banks, R-Ind., and Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., in the House, the members expressed concern over "Google’s international dominance in multiple fields of technology" and its ability to "either safeguard or stifle the free expression of billions of people, including the communication of information that can save lives."

"Google’s only evidence of Live Action’s violation appears to be one statement from the pro-abortion American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), which says APR is ‘not based on science,'" the members wrote. "ACOG’s statement is simply false, and Google’s repetition of this pro-abortion organization’s false claim seriously calls into question its commitment to, ‘work without political bias.’"

Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., speaks during a Senate Finance Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021. (Michael Reynolds/Pool via AP)

The members also pointed out that ads related to progesterone, an FDA-approved drug which is produced naturally by pregnant women and used in the abortion pill reversal regimen, is largely censored by Google while ads related to mifepristone, which is used to terminate pregnancies and has, according to the FDA, killed at least 24 women and sent more than 1,000 to the hospital, is not censored.

"Can you affirmatively state that mifepristone ads fully comply with Google’s ‘harmful health claims’ policies, while progesterone-related ads do not?" the members questioned.

The members then reminded Google that "Live Action is not a medical provider, and it provides no abortion or abortion pill reversal services."

"This organization is a pro-life nonprofit advocacy group, promoting a hotline for women interested in reversing the effects of mifepristone," they wrote. "Women who take mifepristone call the hotline, and are directed to speak with a medical professional who can then evaluate the woman’s specific medical situation before any medical advice is given."

In closing, the members requested that Google answer questions from a previous letter which inquired about whether Google communicated with any "pro-abortion organizations" about its decision to remove the ads.

A pro-life demonstrator protests in front of the Supreme Court building, on the day of hearing arguments in the Mississippi abortion rights case Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health, in Washington, U.S., December 1, 2021. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst)

"Google’s decision to censor Live Action’s abortion pill reversal ads is denying life-saving information to thousands of women who want to save their unborn children’s lives from a tragic decision they regret," the members stated. "We urge you to swiftly reverse this unjust and indefensible decision."


In a statement, Live Action Founder and President Lila Rose said Google's decision to remove the ads has resulted "in hundreds of deaths — children who could have been saved if their mothers had found the information they sought to save their preborn child after taking the abortion pill."

"Live Action will not stop until our life-saving ads promoting abortion pill reversal are completely reinstated," Rose added. "Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs rely on Google to be an unbiased and fair player when it comes to online information, and life-affirming information like abortion pill reversal must not be allowed to be so blatantly discriminated against."

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