High Court to take up contraceptive mandate in landmark case
Debate over ObamaCare covering employee birth control
War of the hashtags is on!
As the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in two cases challenging ObamaCare’s contraception mandate, both sides are turning to Twitter this morning to draw national attention to the issue.
Protesters are rallying outside the court with placards while pro-ObamaCare warriors – like NARAL, ACLU, and Planned Parenthood -- circulate the virtual hashtag #Notmybossbusiness. The anti-mandate crowds uses #ReligiousFreedomForAll.
The Twitter push began Monday night starting with one of ObamaCare’s most vocal opponents, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, followed by Glenn Beck and John Boehner.
If you believe Nate Silver, and many in the media elite do, Republicans can pull off a win in 2014 races and control both Houses.
Silver, formerly of the New York Times' 538 blog, has let go of the Grey Lady's apron strings since the last election, jumping to ESPN last month to parlay his political polling and punditry. Like many who leave one venture to start anew, he has been ridiculed even before getting his reams of data ready for prime time. His first big political prediction brought eye rolls from many expecting more nuanced information.
Columnist Paul Krugman cleverly nicknames him "Tarnished Silver."
Are we really seeing the return of Mitt the candidate? Sure seemed like it to USA Today's David Colton who watched him on Sunday's "Face the Nation" attack the Pres for weak leadership on Russia.
For the record, Romney says he has no intention of hitting the campaign trail or the Black Hills of South Dakota. Though if granite could talk, it might be useful to ask Jefferson, Washington, Roosevelt, and Lincoln what they’d do with Putin.
Watch Lauren every Sunday on #MediaBuzz at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET. If you’d like to recommend your favorite political tweets, email laurenashburnFNC@yahoo.com or send her a tweet @laurenashburn with the hashtag #TwitterTalk.