Trump’s new campaign manager makes staff changes at HQ

Moves come less than a week after Stepien replaced Parscale as campaign manager

President Trump’s newly appointed campaign manager is quickly making changes as he takes over steering the president’s massive reelection effort.

Bill Stepien announced on Monday that he’s promoting Justin Clark to deputy campaign manager, the title he held until last week when he replaced Brad Parscale as campaign manager. Parscale was moved back to running data and digital operations, his job during the 2016 campaign. Stepien also named Matt Morgan as campaign counsel and Nick Trainer as director of battleground strategy.


Stepien tweeted that he made the move – announced during an “all-staff meeting” –  to “keep strengthening the President’s team.” He added that the three “are longtime #MAGA & will help DJT win in 105 days.”

Clark worked with Stepien on the 2016 campaign and in the White House. Trainer also served with Stepien in the Trump administration.

Stepien has a long resume in campaign politics. He’s a veteran of President George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection, former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani’s 2008 White House bid, and the campaign of 2008 GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain. Stepien also managed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s 2009 and 2013 gubernatorial victories before falling out of good graces with the governor due to the Bridgegate scandal. Stepien also served as national field director for Trump during the 2016 general election.

A GOP operative close to the Trump campaign and to Stepien told Fox News that “Bill’s MO is to keep under the radar and keep his head down and stay focused on the job … He knows his role is to be the guy behind the guy.”

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