Trump tweets Little Leaguers 'will be playing baseball soon': In meantime, 'take care of mom and dad'

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What’s on deck for benched Little Leaguers once the country pulls through the coronavirus crisis? A return to the field, President Trump said Saturday in a Twitter pep talk.

"To all our youth who are missing the start of their [Little League] seasons, hang in there! We will get you back out on the fields, and know that you will be playing baseball soon," Trump wrote.

The Little League International Board of Directors in mid-March advised all of its 6,500 local baseball leagues to suspend or delay their seasons until at least May 11.

“In the meantime, take care of mom and dad,” the president wrote Saturday. “And know that this will not be forever.”

Like professional sports, the Little League shut down gameplay due to concerns about the spread of COVID-19.

“It is our hope that by doing this, we will all play a small, but important part in flattening the curve in the spread of the coronavirus pandemic,” the league said on its website.

The NHL and NBA have suspended their seasons due to the pandemic. Major League Baseball in early March suspended its spring training games and delayed the start of its season.

Federal and state authorities have urged social distancing as a means of slowing the virus’ spread, with confirmed cases still climbing -- surpassing 300,000 in the United States on Saturday morning. There are more than 1.1 million cases worldwide.


“The Little League experience is a rite of passage for so many children, and we know that this is frustrating and sad, especially for those players in their 12-year-old season,” the league wrote in an open letter to parents. “We sincerely hope that everyone gets an opportunity to play this year, and we’ll work hard to make that happen as soon as we can.”

The official Little League Twitter account thanked the president for his pep talk and reiterated its commitment to social distancing.


“We hope to be back on the field soon, and, in the meantime, want everyone to stay safe at home,” the organization tweeted.

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