
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Friday he plans to participate the next Fox News Republican debate after skipping the network’s previous debate held last week.

The billionaire businessman confirmed to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly on “The O’Reilly Factor” he will be taking the stage at the March 3 debate in Detroit, despite previous objections to debate moderator Megyn Kelly.

The news comes just days after Trump finished second behind Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and barely held off Florida Sen. Marco Rubio in the Iowa caucuses held Monday.

Trump admitted that his decision to skip the final debate before the Iowa caucuses could have cost him victory in the Hawkeye State.

When asked why he finished second despite leading in the polls Trump told reporters at a rally in Milford, N.H. Tuesday "that could have been with the debate."

"I think some people were disappointed that I didn't go into the debate," said Trump.

Trump declined to participate in the Jan. 28 Fox News/Google debate in Des Moines due to a dispute with Fox News Channel. He cited the tone of press statements from the network about his possible pulling out of the debate, as well as issues with Kelly.

Instead of participating in the debate, Trump held a fundraiser for veterans that raised $6 million. The candidate said that he would make the same decision again, saying he "would never, ever give that up to go between first and second in Iowa."