
President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone Thursday, reportedly discussing a range of issues.

Trump “thanked President Putin for acknowledging America's strong economic performance in his annual press conference,” The White House said in a statement.

The two also spoke about working together to “resolve” the intensifying situation with North Korea.

The Russian Embassy of the U.S. confirmed the White House’s version of the call in a Twitter post and included a variety of emojis.

“President Putin and @POTUS Trump discussed [phone emoji] topical issues of bilateral relations, as well as the situation in crisis points with an emphasis on the settlement of the nuclear problem on the Korean peninsula. [Russian flag] [American flag] agreed to continue contacts.”

The phone call came the same day Putin said that talk of “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia have “been made up by Trump’s opponents to delegitimize Trump’s time in office.”

Fox News' Wes Barrett contributed to this report.