Trump picks up endorsements of nine House chairmen

Nine GOP committee chairmen lined up behind presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump Friday, just a day after the billionaire businessmen met with key party leaders on Capitol Hill.

In a statement released announcing the endorsement, the chairmen said that it was important for Republicans to unite around Trump since America cannot deal with another Democrat in the White House nor can Republicans to lose their hold on Congress.

“Any other outcome is a danger to economic growth, puts our national security in peril, enshrines ObamaCare as the law of the land, entraps Americans in a cycle of poverty and dependence, and undermines our constitutional republic,” the statement said.

The meeting comes a day after Trump met with House Speaker Paul Ryan at Republican Party headquarters in downtown Washington, and later described it as a “great conversation.”

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus was also at the meeting and called it a “very positive step toward party unity.” Trump then sat down with House GOP leaders, followed by a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other top Senate Republicans.

Trump responded Friday to the latest endorsement by calling a strong House Republican majority “imperative.”

“It is tremendous to be working with these leaders and their colleagues on winning solutions that will really move us forward. A strong House Republican Majority is imperative to fixing the problems facing America and making our country better and stronger than ever before,” Trump said in a statement.

The representatives endorsing Trump are Steve Chabot of Ohio (small business), Michael Conaway of Texas (agriculture), Jeb Hensarling of Texas (financial services), Candice Miller of Michigan (house administration), Jeff Miller of Florida (veterans’ affairs), Tom Price of Georgia (budget), Pete Sessions of Texas (rules), Bill Shuster of Pennsylvania (transportation and infrastructure), and Lamar Smith of Texas (science, space and technology).

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