Trump blasts 'Crooked Hillary' for ignoring swing-state Michigan in 2016

President Trump used Wednesday night's rally in Michigan as a chance to take aim at his 2016 presidential rival Hillary Clinton, as well as a slew of other Democrats, as the U.S. House back in Washington voted along party lines to impeach him.

Trump addressed thousands of supporters who waited out in the cold to attend his “Merry Christmas” rally in Battle Creek. About 40 minutes after the rally began, the Democrat-controlled House voted – without any Republican support – to impeach Trump for "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress" related to his dealings with Ukraine.


“The radical left in Congress is consumed with hatred and envy and rage. You see what's going on. I'll tell you, these people are crazy. You ever hear it's the economy, stupid?” Trump said, touting the country’s successful economy before pivoting to Clinton.

“I have the greatest economy in the history of this country. And nobody talks about it,” Trump said. “Let me just tell you a little secret. If Crooked Hillary would have won, your economy would have crashed.”

Trump also suggested that Bill Clinton calls his wife “Crooked Hillary” – and further scolded her for ignoring Bill's advice to visit key swing states, including Michigan and Wisconsin, during the 2016 presidential election.

“You horrible human being, you better start listening to me, or you’re gonna get your a-- whooped,” Trump said, imagining a conversation between the Clintons.

“In all fairness to Bill Clinton, you know, he used to be a friend of mine until I ran for office,” Trump added.

According to Trump, Hillary and Bill Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama made last-ditch attempts to win over voters with an “emergency trip” to Michigan on Election Day – generating a crowd of only about 500 people.


Trump claimed that about 2,000 people -- who had lined up in the cold to see him Wednesday -- were turned away because the arena could accommodate only about 5,500 people.

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