Trump: 'Fire and Fury' is 'fake book,' Camp David meeting 'great'

President Trump suggested Sunday that he, top administration officials and congressional Republicans made progress at their weekend retreat on such key 2018 issues as the budget, infrastructure and immigration but also continued to slam the new White House tell-all book as more “fake news.”

“I’ve had to put up with the Fake News from the first day I announced that I would be running for President,” Trump tweeted. “Now I have to put up with a Fake Book, written by a totally discredited author. Ronald Reagan had the same problem and handled it well. So will I!”

The president repeatedly has tried to discredit author Michael Wolff and his book “Fire and Fury,” even before the tell-all officially hit store shelves Friday.

Trump has tweeted a handful of on the matter, including calling Wolff a “total loser.” And at a Saturday news conference at Camp David, the president calling the book a “work of fiction.”

The book -- which Wolff claims is based on hundreds of interviews with people close to Trump and at least one recent talk with the president -- suggested Trump lacked the intellectual and emotional capacity to run the country.

Trump also tweeted Sunday: “Leaving Camp David for the White House. Great meetings with the Cabinet and Military on many very important subjects including Border Security & the desperately needed Wall, the ever increasing Drug and Opioid Problem, Infrastructure, Military, Budget, Trade and DACA.”

The president’s comments again have suggested the GOP-controlled Congress cannot strike a bipartisan deal on immigration, particularly protection for young illegal immigrants, unless Democrats agree to fund his U.S.-Mexico border wall.

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