President Trump promised to challenge the Wisconsin vote count after the recount there, and said his campaign is disputing a number of votes larger than President-elect Joe Biden's winning margin.  

“The Wisconsin recount is not about finding mistakes in the count, it is about finding people who have voted illegally, and that case will be brought after the recount is over, on Monday or Tuesday. We have found many illegal votes. Stay tuned!” the president tweeted Saturday afternoon.

Biden picked up 132 more votes after an election recount in Milwaukee County, one of two places in Wisconsin where Trump spent $3 million to force a recount.

In Dane County, another Democratic stronghold in Wisconsin, votes are still being tallied in a count expected to last into the weekend, but Trump has gained 68 votes over Biden so far.

Trump is gearing up for yet another legal battle, this time to toss tens of thousands of ballots in the state Biden clinched by nearly 20,600 votes, with margins in Milwaukee and Dane counties about 2-to-1 for the Democrat.

The deadline to certify the votes, which will be done by the Democratic chair of the bipartisan Wisconsin Election Commission, is Tuesday, but the Wisconsin Voters Alliance, a conservative group, has filed a lawsuit against election officials, seeking to block the process


Later Saturday, the president tweeted about Pennsylvania, saying he could prove fraud.

“Specific allegations were made, and we have massive proof, in the Pennsylvania case. Some people just don’t want to see it. They want nothing to do with saving our Country. Sad!!!” Trump said. 

“The number of ballots that our Campaign is challenging in the Pennsylvania case is FAR LARGER than the 81,000 vote margin. It’s not even close. Fraud and illegality ARE a big part of the case. Documents being completed. We will appeal!” he continued. 

The Trump campaign has been looking ahead to a potential Supreme Court case after a panel of federal appeals judges in Pennsylvania dismissed the campaign's lawsuit claiming voter fraud in the presidential election.

“The campaign’s claims have no merit,” the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia ruled Friday, despite Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani arguing to a lower court that widespread voter fraud occurred in a state where President-elect Joe Biden won by just over 80,000 votes.

The Trump campaign has the option of asking the U.S. Supreme Court for emergency injunctive relief, which would go to Justice Samuel Alito, who would then likely ask his eight colleagues to weigh in. 


"The activist judicial machinery in Pennsylvania continues to cover up the allegations of massive fraud. We are very thankful to have had the opportunity to present proof and the facts to the PA state legislature. On to SCOTUS!," Jenna Ellis, Trump's attorney and campaign adviser, said in a statement on Twitter after the court ruling. 

Meanwhile, Trump’s attorneys have targeted absentee ballots in which voters identified themselves as “indefinitely confined," allowing them to cast an absentee ballot without showing a photo ID; ballots that have a certification envelope with two different ink colors, indicating a poll worker may have helped complete it; and absentee ballots that don't have a separate written record for the request, such as in-person absentee ballots.

Election officials have tallied those ballots during the recount but marked them as exhibits at the request of the Trump campaign.


Trump’s campaign challenges have failed in courts elsewhere, with experts widely concurring that there's no proof of GOP claims of widespread voter fraud. Legal efforts to date have been unsuccessful in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

Fox News' Vandana Rambaran contributed to this report.