President Trump issued a stern warning to China Tuesday morning: waiting until 2020 to make a trade deal with the U.S. will backfire.

Trump stated that China "was supposed to start buying our agricultural product now" but showed "no signs that they are doing so" and keep changing the terms of a possible deal as U.S. officials are engaged in negotiations. The president suggested that China could wait until after the 2020 election, with hopes that a Democrat would give them a better deal -- but vowed that if he's still in the White House he'll be tougher than ever.

"They should probably wait out our Election to see if we get one of the Democrat stiffs like Sleep Joe. Then they could make a GREAT deal, like in past 30 years, and continue to ripoff the USA, even bigger and better than ever before," Trump tweeted. "The problem with them waiting, however, is that if & when I win, the deal they get will be much tougher than what were are negotiating now...or no deal at all."

Trump insisted that the U.S. has the leverage in the negotiations, even if his predecessors may not have recognized their own advantage.

"We have all the cards, our past leaders never got it!" he said.


Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer are holding talks with Chinese economy czar Vice Premier Liu He on Tuesday and Wednesday. This comes after a two-month hiatus in trade talks between the U.S. and China, as tensions mounted as a result of Trump administration tariffs and U.S. restrictions on Chinese tech giant Huawei.