Trump calls US immigration laws 'the dumbest anywhere in the world'

President Trump took to social media on Saturday to deride U.S. immigration laws as "the dumbest anywhere in the world,” and to  highlight Republicans' platform for “Strong Borders,” as thousands of protesters nationwide rallied for the reunion of parents and children separated at the nation's southern border.

“When people come into our Country illegally, we must IMMEDIATELY escort them back out without going through years of legal maneuvering,” Trump tweeted. “Our laws are the dumbest anywhere in the world.”

He went on to add that the GOP sought “Strong Borders and no Crime,” as opposed to Democrats, who he maintained “want Open Borders and are weak on Crime!”

All across the country, people hit the streets to protest the Trump administration’s controversial “zero tolerance” immigration policy. During an event orchestrated in Los Angeles, protesters lofted signs that read, “Asylum not abuse” and “No human is illegal.”

Activists march to protest the Trump administration's approach to illegal border crossings and separation of children from immigrant parents on Saturday in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


People also braved scorching temperatures to gather in cities such as Detroit and downtown Chicago, where the heat index was as high as 110 degrees.

Some protesters even showed up around Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, N.J., where he is spending the weekend, waving signs bearing such sentiments as “Do you know where our children are?” and “Even the Trump family belongs together.”

In Indianapolis, Scott Burns holds his daughter, Annelle, during a protest of the administration's approach to illegal border crossings and family separations at the border. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

Sticking to the topic of immigration policy, Trump also tweeted about legislative action on the incendiary topic, saying he “never pushed” the House GOP to vote on a bill because it would’ve surely lacked enough Democratic support.

“I never pushed the Republicans in the House to vote for the Immigration Bill, either GOODLATTE 1 or 2, because it could never have gotten enough Democrats as long as there is the 60 vote threshold,” he tweeted.

"I released many prior to the vote knowing we need more Republicans to win in Nov.”


He then rallied in support of Republicans in the coming midterm elections, saying his party must do away with “the ridiculous 60 vote, or Filibuster, rule.”

“Either we need to elect more Republicans in November or Republicans must end the ridiculous 60 vote, or Filibuster, rule - or better yet, do both,” he wrote as part of his series of afternoon tweets. “Cryin’ Chuck would do it on day one, but we’ll never give him the chance. Some great legislation awaits - be smart!”

"Cryin' Chuck" was a reference to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-.N.Y.

The president’s tweets echoed remarks he made earlier this month, when he said the GOP needed to quit “wasting their time” on crafting immigration legislation “until after we elect more Senators and Congressman/women in November.”

“We can pass great legislation after the Red Wave,” he tweeted.

Fox News’ Lucia I. Suarez Sang, Adam Shaw and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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