Trump, Boeing CEO meet again to talk Air Force One price tag

President-elect Donald Trump met Tuesday with the head of Boeing at Trump Tower to continue dialog about the costs of the Air Force One program.

Reuters reported Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg said that the pair had made “great progress on simplifying requirements for Air Force One.” They also said Muilenburg suggested a deal could be reached "in the very near term."

Muilenburg told Reuters, "we were able to talk about options for the country and capabilities that will, again, provide the best capability for our war fighters most affordably”.

“Mr. Trump is doing a great job of engaging business," Muilenburg said. “We're proud to take on that mission and I think Mr Trump's engagement with industry is going to help us grow manufacturing jobs in this country."

Last month, Muilenburg met with Trump and told him that his company could build a cheaper Air Force One for less than originally quoted.

Trump took to Twitter to blast the company for alleged cost overruns, saying they should cancel the contract.

“I don't need a $4.2 billion airplane to fly around in,” Trump told “Fox News Sunday” earlier this month, referring to Air Force One.

Boeing said a contract for $170 million for Boeing 747 planes, but said no cost has been finalized yet, Reuters reported.

Muilenburg has appeared to strike an agreeable tone with the incoming president and said he made a “personal commitment on behalf of the Boeing company”.

"I appreciate the teamwork approach on this - I think it's the right way to do business," Muilenburg said.