
President Trump ramped up his attacks on Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s proposed law enforcement policies during a campaign stop in the key battleground state of Wisconsin on Tuesday night.

Trump told supporters in West Salem, Wis., that Biden and leading Democrats “incite violence and hatred against our police officers.” The president referenced attacks on officers in Philadelphia after protests turned violent after a fatal police-involved shooting of a Black man.

“Last night, Philadelphia was torn up by Biden-supporting radicals,” Trump said at the event. “Thirty police officers, Philadelphia police officers, great people, they were injured, some badly. Biden stands with the rioters and I stand with the heroes of law enforcement. They can do their job very easily, just let them do their job.”

The Pennsylvania National Guard was deployed to Philadelphia on Tuesday night in anticipation of a second night of tense protests. Philadelphia police officers responded to a call in the Cobbs Creek neighborhoods. A police spokesperson said the man, Walter Wallace, was shot after he “advanced towards” officers with a knife and ignored warnings to drop the weapon.

Trump has routinely accused Biden of failing to back law enforcement officers and of supporting calls to defund the police after nationwide protests against racial injustice. Biden has called for a crackdown on police misconduct but has said on multiple occasions that he does not support efforts to defund law enforcement.

The president said Biden and running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., would “slash police budgets all over the country” if elected to office.

The Biden plan "would tie the hands of every police officer in the country and they would appoint anti-police prosecutors in every community in America. I don’t think that’s for Wisconsin,” Trump said.


Trump argued that he “saved” the city of Kenosha, Wis., the site of weeks of protests following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, by sending in the National Guard to support local law enforcement.

“If Biden wins, the flag burning radicals on the streets will be running your government,” Trump added. “This Election Day, you must stop the anti-American radicals by delivering Joe Biden and those far-left Democrats a thundering defeat. This has to be a big defeat so we can end it, just end it.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.