Trump addresses UNGA on global 'drug epidemic'

President Trump and representatives from the administration committed to “fighting the drug epidemic together” Monday at the first event of the week-long United Nations General Assembly forum.

The president, joined by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, and others, participated in the Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem, addressing the U.N. General Assembly on “an issue that affects every nation across the world.”

“The scourge of drug addiction continues to claim many lives around the world,” Trump said. “We commit to fighting the drug epidemic together.”

The call to action includes signaturess from 130 U.N. member states pledging to do more on the global drug trade.

The president thanked U.N. Secretary General António Guterres, who joined the administration as a “special guest,” as well as Haley for her leadership, Pompeo for his “dedicated work” and National Security Adviser John Bolton.

“He’s become a great friend and he’s doing a wonderful job in a very complex situation,” Trump said of Guterres.

“And I've always said the United Nations has tremendous potential, and that potential is being met,” Trump said. “Slowly but surely, it's being met.”

The president outlined statistics — noting that global deaths related to illegal drug use, from 2000 to 2015, have risen 50 percent. Trump noted that the U.S. was contributing to combatting the epidemic by “securing borders” and promoting treatment and recovery.

“For this reason, last month the United States announced a Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem. The call is simple: reduce drug demand, cut off the supply of illicit drugs, expand treatment and strengthen international cooperation,” Trump said. “If we take these steps together, we can save the lives of countless people in all corners of the world. And when I say ‘countless,' I'm talking about millions and millions of people.”

Trump thanked “every country” for their commitment to the initiative, adding that the U.S. looks forward to “working with you to strengthen our communities, protect our families and deliver a drug-free future for all of our children.”

Trump also mentioned Monday, before his address, that a second summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is likely “quite soon” to discuss the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The president said things with the rogue regime are “progressing very nicely,” and that they have “asked for another meeting.”

Later in the day Monday, Trump is slated to meet with South Korean President Moon Jae-In, and is expected to discuss North Korea and trade details.

Moon is expected to share a personal message with the president on behalf of Kim, who shared it with him at their inter-Korean talks last week.

Fox News' Allie Raffa, Matt Leach and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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