The Kennedy - Nixon debate: When TV changed the game

The details of the debates have been recounted innumerable times in the subsequent decades, with every hand gesture, every utterance and every close-up dissected and weighed for its significance. (Paul SchutzerTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

The stories, meanwhile, of how Nixon showed up to the very first debate looking pale and glistening with sweat beneath the glare of the studio lights, while JFK looked (literally) tanned and rested, haven’t lost any of their power simply because they’re true. (Paul SchutzerTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

The photos seen here (and <a href=""><b>others at</b></a>) back up those stories: Nixon did look like death warmed over; Kennedy did look like a movie star. (Paul SchutzerTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Both men were formidable candidates. Each had a strong grasp of the major issues facing the country — the Space Race with the Soviets; America’s role in an increasingly complex global economy; the Civil Right Movement — and each man had very little trouble articulating his and his party’s position on any and all subjects that would bear on the daily lives of average Americans. (Paul SchutzerTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Nixon was just four years older than Kennedy: by the look of the two men in the photographs in this gallery, and certainly in the eyes of the tens of millions of people who tuned in to watch them debate, they might as well have been from entirely different generations. <b><a href="">Read more at</a></b>. (Paul SchutzerTime & Life Pictures/Getty Images)