Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy slammed House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler and his fellow Democrats on the committee Wednesday over the Biden administration’s repeal of former President Trump’s Title 42 immigration order.

The two sparred during a House Judiciary Committee markup where the Texas Republican slammed Nadler and fellow Democrats for promoting fear about new potential waves of the coronavirus while supporting the ending of Title 42, which was established to quickly expel migrants at the border due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 22: Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), joined by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), speaks at a news conference about the National Defense Authorization Bill at the U.S. Capitol on September 22, 2021 in Washington, DC. The Freedom Caucus announced they will not support the military funding bill, saying it does not hold President Biden accountable for the Afghanistan withdrawal, it undermines homeland security and they oppose the female draft amendment to the bill. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 22: Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)


"First of all, the gentlelady from Texas refers to the supposed concern and fear that she has about the omicron variant coming in April," Roy said, calling out Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. "Then, on what basis is the CDC recommending that they end Title 42? … If this is such a great concern, then why would the CDC say ‘Oh no, we don’t need to use Title 42 to protect our Border Patrol agents, protect Americans, stem the tide of 8,000 people a day coming across our border."

Roy then turned his attention to Nadler and accused the New York Democrat of scoffing over the atrocities associated with human smuggling that have been reported at the border.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY)

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 09: House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-New York) (Photo by Zach Gibson/Getty Images)


"My colleague from Texas mocked the focus by some of my colleagues on the need to have Title 42 as if it's not causing rampant flow across our border, little girls put in stash houses getting raped, cartels  making hundreds of millions of dollars, and then the chairman scoffs. The chairman scoffs when I say little girl getting raped in the stash house," Roy said.

Roy then asked Nadler if he has ever made a trip to the border in the last year to meet with Border Patrol agents. 

"Yes," Nadler responded, prompting Roy to ask him if he saw stash houses when he made the visit.

"Is the chairman saying there are no stash houses and no little girls being raped in Texas?" Roy asked.

"I’m not saying there are no stash houses," Nadler responded. "I’m not saying little girls are not being raped in Texas and every other state in the union for that matter."

Roy then reclaimed his time and said, "When the chairman scoffs when we talk about the damage being done to this country with cartels having complete operational control of our border charging 3 to 5,000 dollars a day to come across the border and little girls getting put into the sex trafficking trade I think that tells a lot where the priorities are of this committee."


Border Patrol encounter migrants

YUMA, ARIZONA - DECEMBER 09:  A U.S. Border Patrol agent speaks with immigrants. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

Roy added that he is getting "a little sick and tired" of Democrats on the committee "scoffing at Texans who have to take the brunt of this."

"Ranchers losing their longtime family held ranches," Roy continued. "Fences getting cut, livestock getting out, people getting abused and the other side of the aisle just doesn’t give a wit about it as evidenced by the scoff of the judiciary committee chairman. It’s absolutely mind-boggling. This is what the American people are sick and tired of."

A growing number of Democrats have joined Republicans and border officials in opposing ending Title 42, warning that it could quickly lead to a surge in migrants that authorities are ill-equipped to handle. The Biden administration itself has acknowledged that it is expecting a significant increase in numbers in the coming months.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., described the move as a "frightening decision" while Arizona Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly have both written to and spoken with Mayorkas to express their concerns about it being lifted without proper planning.

Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., meanwhile, said that ending the order "will likely lead to a migrant surge that the administration does not appear to be ready for."

Fox News’ Adam Shaw contributed to this report