Team Clinton Rushing Register Endorsement to Air

Hillary Clinton's campaign is rushing radio and TV spots to air in Iowa to immediately capitalize on today's Des Moines Register endorsement.

Radio spots could appear as early as Monday morning and TV spots will swiftly follow.

"Are you kidding, Mandy is already cutting the spots," Jay Carson, Clinton's traveling press secretary told me, referring to Clinton media strategist Mandy Grunwald. "We don't have many days left. There's no time to waste."

The Register endorsement praised Clinton's experience and bipartisan record in the Senate. The paper's editorial board called her tested, electable and ready to lead from the start.

The radio and TV spots will highlight the Register's unstinting praise of Clinton at a time when Clinton has shifted away from the "experience" narrative and toward a "change" narrative built around working for change as opposed to (Obama) hoping for it and (Edwards) demanding it.

Team Clinton will also use the door-to-door visits in Iowa from Clinton loyalists from New York and Arkansas for we videos and web ads that may become TV spots during the week between Christmas and New Year's when the campaign knows it needs to create its most humanizing spots so as not to aggravate Holiday-happy Iowans.