The suspected Democratic congressional aide accused of leaking the private information of at least three Republican senators repeatedly lashed out at GOP staffers and lawmakers on his secret Twitter account, calling them “bad and dumb," Fox News can reveal.

Jackson Cosko, a recent staffer for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, was arrested for allegedly posting the personal information - or "doxxing" - of a number of senators, including Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah on Wikipedia – with information such as their home addresses and phone numbers in the wake of the contentious Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearing.


Fox News has uncovered two social media accounts that supposedly belong to Cosko. One account, @TrundleDaGreat, which has not been active since October 2, is linked to Cosko’s personal email account. Cosko was arrested on October 3.

The other one, named "Radical Ed" is linked to an email account - – that sent a threatening email to another staffer who confronted Cosko after catching him in the office of Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., using an unauthorized login, according to Capitol Police.

"If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails. Senators children’s health information and socials."

— The threatening email allegedly sent by Jackson Cosko.

“If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails. Senators children’s health information and socials,” read the threatening email allegedly sent by Cosko.

The social media account tweeted Graham’s personal information, though without the address, in reply to Move On, a progressive advocacy group that also tweeted Graham's office phone number. It tweeted “His is locked :(" in response to a call urging Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s information to be leaked. He also said “Lol” to people who were criticizing the then-unknown person for leaking the information.

The social media user tweeted Graham’s personal information, though without the address, in reply to Move On, a progressive advocacy group that also tweeted Graham's office phone number.

The social media user tweeted Graham’s personal information, though without the address, in reply to Move On, a progressive advocacy group that also tweeted Graham's office phone number.

On his personal secret account, Cosko is more vocal. “This shouldn't be a partisan issue: objectively, republicans are bad and dumb,” he wrote, admitting in another tweet that he’s a mid-level Congress staffer and a system administrator.

Last month, Cosko called Florida Sen. Marco Rubio a “little b----“ after a clash with InfoWars host Alex Jones, where the lawmaker said he will “take care of you myself.”

A Twitter account believed to belong to Jackson Cosko, the suspected Democratic congressional aide accused of leaking the private information of at least three Republican senators.

A Twitter account believed to belong to Jackson Cosko, the suspected Democratic congressional aide accused of leaking the private information of at least three Republican senators.

The staffer also threw his support behind the far-left “Abolish ICE” movement that seeks to scrap the federal immigration agency. “Or abolish DHS,” he commented under a suggestion that the “Abolish ICE” slogan is a “punchy way” to call for the reorganization of the Department of Homeland Security.

Cosko expressed animosity to Kavanaugh, “liking” posts made by activists and media personalities opposing his nomination. He also directed his anger at GOP staffers who called out inaccuracies in reporting concerning Ford and Kavanaugh.

“Shut up you a--,” Cosko said in a tweet directed at George Hartmann, press secretary for Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley last month, who slammed a suggestion that Grassley scheduled a hearing with both Kavanaugh and his accuser at the same table.

“Indefensible you are such a dips---,” he wrote to Ben Williamson, the communications director for North Carolina Congressman Mark Meadows.

He also directed his anger at GOP staffers who called out inaccuracies in reporting concerning Ford and Kavanaugh.

He also directed his anger at GOP staffers who called out inaccuracies in reporting concerning Ford and Kavanaugh.

Cosko is charged with publishing restricted personal information, threats in interstate communication, unauthorized access of a government computer, identity theft, witness tampering, second degree burglary, and unlawful entry.

Cosko's defense attorney, Brian Stolarz, has proclaimed his client's innocence and told Fox News that they intend to challenge the charges.

“We all need to take a deep breath,” said Stolarz. “In this political climate everyone wants to jump to conclusions. We need to put the conspiracy theories aside and focus on the allegations. Jackson Cosko is innocent until proven guilty, and we intend to challenge the charges.”

Fox News' Adam Shaw and Chad Pergram contributed to this report.