Supreme Court 'sleeper' case on union dues has big impact on organized labor

The Supreme Court on Tuesday is set to hear a dispute regarding union fees that -- while failing to receive substantial media hype -- is poised to have major consequences on organized labor's recruiting.

The justices will review a lawsuit filed by home-based health care workers against Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn over a state statute that requires public-sector employees to pay the portion of union dues that doesn't go to political activities, even if they choose not to be in the union.

The case "maybe is really the sleeper case of the [current Supreme Court] term -- the one that come June we all recognize as probably a landmark" case, said Andrew Grossman, a constitutional law and legal policy expert, and a fellow at the conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation.

"At the very least it's going to have a profound effect on the growth in the future of organized labor in the United States."