Supreme Court Justice Thomas and Wife Camp Out at Wal-Mart

One of the favorite places for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and wife Ginni to grab some sleep is in a Wal-Mart parking lot, Mrs. Thomas told National Public Radio on Wednesday.

In fact, the Washington power couple spends each summer touring the United States in a mobile home, she said. The justice and his wife have cruised through 27 states since buying their used recreation vehicle in 1999.

"We have found it's a wonderful life," Ginni Thomas told National Public Radio from upstate New York on Wednesday.

"We have been in dozens of Wal-Mart parking lots throughout the country," she added. "It's one of our favorite things to do if we're not having to plug in and we've got enough electricity."

Mrs. Thomas said that their joy in traveling has only been slightly tempered by the overwhelming to-do they occasionally get when other campers identify the high court justice.

"Clarence gets recognized every once in a while and that sort of puts a damper on things because when we're out, we kind of like to be in cognito, if you know what I mean," she said, noting they stopped traveling to one camp site because 20 or 30 people would greet them each year.

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