In the wake of domestic violence charges filed against Michael Avenatti, his client, adult film star Stormy Daniels,  cautioned Thursday against jumping to conclusions while also adding that she’ll find a new attorney if the accusations are found to be accurate.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, acknowledged the severity of the accusations in a statement to New York Magazine but said they should only be treated as such until authorities investigate the matter.

“These are serious and obviously very troubling allegations, but right now that is all they are: allegations,” Daniels told the outlet. “We should all reserve judgment until the investigation—an investigation Michael has said he welcomes—is complete, and that’s what I’m going to do.

“But of course I do not condone violence against women and if these allegations prove true I will be seeking new representation,” her statement continued.

Avenatti was arrested Wednesday “on suspicion of domestic violence,” the LAPD confirmed, accusations he later denied vehemently.

"I have never struck a woman. I never will strike a woman. I have been an advocate for women’s rights my entire career and I’m going to continue to be an advocate. I am not going to be intimidated from stopping what I am doing," Avenatti said upon his release from police custody. "I am a father to two beautiful, smart daughters. I would never disrespect them by touching a woman inappropriately or striking a woman. I am looking forward to a full investigation at which point I am confident I will be fully exonerated.”


The charges against him arose from an alleged Tuesday incident, prompting authorities to respond and take a report, an unidentified law enforcement official told The Associated Press.

Daniels has alleged she had an affair with President Trump in 2006 and has sued to invalidate the confidentiality agreement she signed days before the 2016 presidential election. She has also sued Trump and his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, alleging defamation.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.