She will, she won't, she will: Loretta Sanchez will announce California senate bid today

A misfired email this week made it appear California Rep. Loretta Sanchez was running for U.S. Senate, but then she said she was undecided.

That could change again.

On Thursday, the 10-term Democrat has scheduled a "significant" political announcement at a Santa Ana train station, the same location and time the supposedly errant email that said she planned to announce her Senate candidacy.

The confusion started Tuesday, after an email circulated from Sanchez inviting supporters to join her Thursday to mark her entry into the 2016 contest. The seat is held by retiring Democrat Barbara Boxer, and the only major Democrat in the contest is state Attorney General Kamala Harris.

But adviser Bill Carrick said later that the email was a draft that was accidentally distributed and Sanchez hadn't made up her mind about running.

Sanchez has said she is seriously considering entering the race. Her candidacy would create a demographic and geographical contrast for state Democrats: Sanchez is Hispanic with roots in Southern California, while Harris is from the San Francisco Bay Area and the daughter of a black father and an Indian mother.

Two little-known Republicans are seeking the seat: Tom Del Beccaro, a former state party chairman, and two-term Assemblyman Rocky Chavez from San Diego County.

Democrats, who hold every statewide office and control both chambers of the Legislature, are strongly favored to hold the post.

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