Sessions to announce investigations into intelligence leaks: source

Attorney General Jeff Sessions will soon announce several criminal leak investigations, Fox News has learned.

A U.S. official familiar with the discussions said Tuesday that the planned announcement surrounding stepped-up efforts on leak investigations has “been in the works for some time and will most likely happen sometime in the next week.”

The news comes in the wake of days of intense pressure on Sessions, with President Trump lashing out and expressing his “disappointment” with the attorney general, through tweets, interviews and news conferences.

The investigations will look at news reports that publicized sensitive intelligence material, according to officials who have been briefed on the matter.

Meanwhile, it appears that Sessions has no plans to step down at this point.

A source familiar with the conversation tells Fox News that Sessions’ chief of staff, Jody Hunt, recently told White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus that the attorney general had no intention of resigning.

Trump said Tuesday that Sessions has not been tougher on leaks from the intelligence community.

"I want the attorney general to be much tougher," Trump said. "I want the leaks from intelligence agencies, which are leaking like rarely have they ever leaked before, at a very important level. These are intelligence agencies we cannot have that happen."

Anthony Scaramucci, Trump's new communications director, said Tuesday that he was prepared to "fire everybody" to stop unauthorized information coming from the press office.

Speaking to reporters, Scaramucci said that he was "not doing an investigation. I'm just going to get the leaking to stop." He stressed that he had "the authority from the president to do that."

"You're either going to stop leaking or you're going to get fired," Scaramucci said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report 

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