Senator checking if Cruz released classified info in debate

The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Wednesday he has asked his staff to look into whether Texas Sen. Ted Cruz released classified information during Tuesday night's GOP presidential debate.

Cruz made a claim during an exchange with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio about the new USA Freedom Act, which Cruz supported and Rubio opposed. Cruz said that "nearly 100 percent" of phone numbers can be checked for terror ties under the new program, compared with "20 percent to 30 percent" under earlier Patriot Act provisions.

Rubio responded that national television is not the place to discuss classified information, before going on to dispute Cruz's suggestions.

Chairman Richard Burr of North Carolina said that any time specific numbers are discussed a question emerges as to whether it's classified or open source.

"The question had been raised. Therefore I asked them to look at it and see if there was any validity to it," Burr told reporters.

Burr added: "It's not as clear as just reading what he said. We've got to search all sorts of media outlets to see if anyone had reported that number independently."

Burr said he'd be "a lot more worried" if Cruz were actually a member of the Intelligence Committee, which Rubio is. He said as far as he knows the subject matter has not been briefed to lawmakers outside the committee.

A Cruz campaign spokeswoman did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment on the matter.

Burr noted that he had not actually seen the exchange in question. "The Voice was on. It was the final episode," he said.

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