Senate passes Thatcher resolution, after alleged Dem efforts to water it down

The Senate on Tuesday passed a resolution honoring the late Margaret Thatcher, despite apparent efforts by Senate Democrats to water it down.

A Senate Republican aide told Fox News that Democrats had been trying to take language out of the original version. But Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell called up the Republican version on Tuesday anyway, effectively daring Democrats to oppose it.

The resolution honoring the late British prime minister, who died last week, passed by unanimous consent, meaning nobody objected. The vote follows reports that Democrats were holding up the measure behind the scenes, though the House passed a resolution honoring Thatcher shortly after her death.

McConnell, in a statement, referenced efforts to water down the resolution. Thatcher, a staunch ally of former President Ronald Reagan, was controversial among Democrats in the U.S. for her efforts to roll back the state in Britain, take on the unions and take other steps she touted as a means to invigorate the economy.

"Let me just say that Margaret was one of the most influential and revolutionary figures of the 20th century, and failing to name her achievements would do her memory and her legacy a great disservice. It would be unheard of to commemorate Churchill for example and ignore his heroic role in steering his countrymen through the battle of Britain, nor would we think of honoring Lincoln without mentioning the Civil War," McConnell said.

He added: "Let's acknowledge the enormity of what she accomplished. Let's mention her achievements by name and the resolution does that because we owe her a tribute equal to her legacy."

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