Sekulow slams Mueller investigation, promises not to let Trump 'walk into perjury trap'

Jay Sekulow, an attorney for President Trump, said Wednesday that the president’s legal team turned down the latest interview proposal from Special Counsel Robert Mueller and promised to not allow the president to “walk into a perjury trap.”

Mueller's team has put forward dozens of potential questions for Trump, including some about his firing of FBI Director James Comey.

Trump's lawyers have argued that prosecutors can't ask Trump about actions he's taken while in office.

"If you lined up 100 lawyers, you’d have 100 lawyers say: 'Don't sit down for an interview,'" Sekulow told Fox News' Laura Ingraham, host of "The Ingraham Angle." Sekulow said calling the Mueller investigation “irregular” is being kind.

"This is an investigation that from its outset has been corrupt, there’s no question about that," he said.

Sekulow said the investigation is based on a dossier presented by a former British intelligence officer at the behest of Fusion GPS and the Democratic National Committee.

He pointed to the fact that the Justice Department's former "number four"-- Bruce Ohr-- is married to a woman who worked for Fusion GPS on the dossier.

"If you lined up 100 lawyers, you’d have 100 lawyers say: 'Don't sit down for an interview,'"

— Jay Sekulow

“That is how this investigation commenced,” he said.

The two sides have gone back and forth over the scope and conditions of an interview as Mueller looks to understand whether the president acted with a criminal intent to stymie the investigation into possible coordination between his campaign and Russia.

Trump's legal team did not detail the terms of any counteroffer they may have made and they also did not suggest that they were close to agreeing to an interview, suggesting the possibility of additional negotiations.

Sekulow said he expected Mueller's team to take time to evaluate the written response.

"These are not two paragraphs," Sekulow said. "These are well-thought-out legal positions that, as I've said multiple times, have implications not just for this president but for any presidency."

Rudy Giuliani, another lawyer for Trump, also declined to go into detail during an appearance on "Hannity." He said Trump's team had offered Mueller "an opportunity to do a form of questioning."

Giuliani said Mueller "knows the answers to every question that he wants to ask" Trump and speculated that the special counsel wants to "trap him into perjury."

The Associated Press contributed to this report

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