It is official: Massachusetts has a Republican representing the state in the Senate.
Scott Brown was sworn in by Vice President Biden shortly after 5 p.m., ending the Democrats' supermajority in the Senate and becoming the Republicans' so-called "41st vote" to block Democrats' proposals on health care reform -- as well as anything else Republicans are able to line up to block by filibuster.
Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick signed the certification of election Thursday morning to pave the way for Brown to take his seat. Brown had originally planned to be sworn in next Thursday, but he urged a rush on the certification, saying that "it's time to get to work."
"I'm humbled and honored to represent the people of Massachusetts," he told a throng of reporters.
Brown refuted claims that Republican leaders pressed him to rush to Washington for a vote against two of President Obama's nominees, including Craig Becker, the appointee to head the National Labor Relations Board.
"I've had no contact with the Leader's office," Brown told a throng of reporters.
"I'm an independent voter and thinker -- I always have been," he added.
Brown stressed that his number one priority is jobs, saying he's focused on how to "get the economy moving again."
Brown is expected to stay in Washington through the weekend and cast some potentially important votes next week.
Among those votes are approvals of Becker and another nominee to the General Services Administration.
The vote of Craig Becker to the NLRB has raised objections from Republicans, who say they want to filibuster the man who reportedly does not believe employers should have a say in whether employees unionize.
Having Brown in the Senate potentially could allow Republicans to block the nomination.
Brown has already indicated he also wants to stop the president's health care reform agenda, which may be a vote that never is taken because Democrats seem adrift on how to proceed.
Brown's election -- built in large part on his vow to block health care -- has been received as a warning by some Democrats who view the vote as a public affirmation of opposition.
Other administration priorities, like climate change, energy policy and judicial appointments, could all be impacted by Brown, though he has repeatedly said he will not be a rubber stamp to GOP efforts to stop Democratic priorities.
Brown is filling the seat held by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy for 47 years but he won't get the desk Kennedy used. Sen. John Kerry, the senior senator from Massachusetts, has called dibs on Desk 83, which was also used by John Kennedy. However, Brown will get the desk once used by another Kennedy -- Robert, who was briefly a senator from New York.
"He was someone we all had great respect for," Brown said of Kennedy.
Fox News' Trish Turner contributed to this report.