Schumer parodies Trump's praise-filled Cabinet meeting

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Monday parodied President Trump’s compliment-heavy Cabinet meeting where high-level government officials lined up to shower the president with praise.

In response to Trump’s televised praise-fest, Schumer tweeted out his own staff meeting to give “everyone an opportunity to pay him a compliment.”

The video, shared on Twitter, starts with a staffer praising the senator for his Sunday talk show appearance, another giving him props about his hair and finally ends with Schumer and his crew doubling over in laughter after a staffer parrots what White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told Trump that morning which includes thanking his boss for “the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda.”

Trump’s Monday meeting – the first with his full Cabinet – started off with the president declaring he had led a record-setting pace and was one of the most productive presidents in American history.

“We’ve been about as active as you can possibly be and at a just about record-setting pace,” Trump said.

Then came compliment time.

One by one, each of Trump's Cabinet members pledged their appreciation to Trump, thanked him for the opportunity to serve in his administration and then threw in some more compliments for good measure.