The stakes are higher than they've ever been in America, according to conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, in regards to the Russia investigation and its origins.

"Now, it is an existential war — and the stakes, I cannot tell you how high they are for our country. I think the stakes, without question, are the highest they have ever been in my life. The stakes for the country, what kind of country we’re going to be going forward, have never been higher in my life," Limbaugh said on his radio show Thursday.


Limbaugh was reacting to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's press conference Wednesday that sparked impeachment talk and contradicted Attorney General William Barr.

Democratic lawmakers interpreted Mueller's remarks as an encouragement to push towards impeachment proceedings, particularly Mueller's implication that his team did not find that President Trump did not commit a crime.

The radio talk show host said the Russia investigation was always an effort to "destroy" President Trump.

"This has always been a political effort to destroy Trump, before the election and after, during the transition and after his inauguration. It has always been that. It has always been telegraphed. It’s always been there for all of us to see," Limbaugh said.

Limbaugh even went so far as to compare the Russia investigation and allegation of an alleged coup to the Civil War.

"I’m 68 years old. I don’t know how this would compare to Civil War. Obviously, it would pale in many ways to the divisions in the Civil War. But that was then, and this is now. And I am telling you that the stakes for the country are the greatest, the highest they’ve ever been in my life," Limbaugh said.


Limbaugh is most concerned with the legal ramification and the idea of "criminalizing political differences."

"But in our system, the presumption of innocence and the demand and the requirement for proof beyond a reasonable doubt is what separates us. And if these people get away with reordering that, they will have succeeded in getting away with politicizing, criminalizing political differences," Limbaugh said.

Fox News' Anna Hopkins contributed to this report.