
MIAMI- Rudy Giuliani is not a man known to mince his words, either as New York's most famous mayor, or as a 2008 GOP presidential candidate. Thursday, while campaigning for his friend, Florida Gubernatorial candidate Bill McCollum, Giuliani provided his  blunt assessment on McCollum's Republican primary opponent Rick Scott.

" This is not a guy who should be governor, it is as simple as that ." Giuliani said about Scott, the former head of the Columbia/ HCA hospital chain that in the 90's was immersed in  the largest Medicare fraud case in history. Scott's former company ended up paying 1.7 billion dollars in fines and penalties.

"If we nominate somebody who has had serious fraud problems in the health care system that is going to be a big mistake," Giuliani said to reporters outside a Boca Raton Republican event.

" There is not going to be a lot of credibility fighting (President Obama's )health care with somebody who has had very very serious problems: one of the largest Medicare frauds in the history of this country," he added.

"Bill McCollum a career politician who has never created a private sector job in his life, is beholden to special interest  " Scott spokesman, Trey Stapleton said in part to Fox News." People are fed up with the insider deals and politics as usual that put special interest first. "

"On election day they will vote for Rick Scott the only candidate who will clean house in Tallahassee put taxpayers first and get to work creating jobs and growing our economy," Stapleton concluded.