Rubio, amid large field of potential 2016 GOP candidates, says Clinton 'not unbeatable'

July 9, 2014: Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C . (AP)

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, considered a top 2016 GOP presidential candidate, says “multiple people” can beat potential Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, despite her commanding lead in early polls.

"Multiple people can beat her," Rubio told radio host Hugh Hewitt. “Hillary Clinton is not unbeatable."

The first-term GOP senator took a familiar line of attack, challenging Clinton’s record as secretary of State, considering she will likely tout her extensive foreign policy credentials should she enter the race.

"I'd ask her: You were the secretary of State during the first four years of the Obama administration, name one significant foreign policy achievement, now or after you left,” Rubio said in the interview Friday.

"The reset with Russia has been a disaster, the Middle East is more unstable today than it's been in I don't know when, our relationship with Latin America and democracies have deteriorated …our partners around the world view us as less reliable."

He also downplayed her efforts to help establish a democratic government in Burma.

“I don’t think Burma could be held up as a place where great progress has been made,” Rubio said.

Rubio is running behind five other potential GOP presidential candidates, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, according to an averaging of polls by the non-partisan website

Clinton has 65 percent of the potential vote and is 53.3 percentage points ahead of her closest potential Democratic challenger, Vice President Biden, according to the website.

Rubio on Friday also discussed his own foreign policy views.

He suggested that President Obama hasn’t given Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this country’s full support and that his efforts in Ukraine have created the perception among U.S. enemies that America is weak.

Rubio also supported the recent Supreme Court ruling that owners of closely-held, for-profit companies such as the Hobby Lobby art-and-crafts retailer cannot be forced under ObamaCare to provide employees with the types of contraceptives that offend their religious beliefs.

"What [Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid and his party is arguing is that the government should have the power to force individual Americans to pay for things that they find objectionable because of their religion," he said. "If this was a case about Hobby Lobby being able to fire people that work for them who use contraception, that would be a different story. ... There are protections for that in this country and our Constitution that he seeks to ignore. And I think [Democrats] think they have a political winner. I disagree."

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