Romney releases 'positive' TV ad and first since Santorum exited

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, gestures while speaking to reporters on the tarmac after arriving in West Palm Beach, Fla., Thursday, May 17, 2012. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

The Mitt Romney campaign released a TV ad on Friday outlining what the GOP presidential candidate would do on his first day in the White House, if elected in November.

The ad is titled "Day One," and features Romney saying he would approve the Keystone oil pipeline, introduce tax cuts and tax reform and try to replace President Obama's health care plan with what the ad calls "common sense health care reform."

The campaign has not aired commercials since Romney's top Republican challenger, Rick Santorum, dropped out of the race in early April.

The ad was released just one day after Romney said his campaign would release one that would focus on the positive, compared to the "character assassination" rhetoric of the Obama campaign.

"I just think that we are wiser to talk about the issues of the day, what we do to get America working again, we talk about our respective records, and so with that, I certainly hope you get a chance to see our first ad," Romney told reporters at a campaign stop in Jacksonville, Fla.  "That will come up, I think, in a couple of days. It will be a positive ad about the things I would do if I were president. It's contrasting with the president's ad, which came out, again, as a character assassination ad."

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However, several conservative super PACs have stepped in to air ads attacking Obama.

The Romney campaign also released a Spanish language of the ad.

"Mitt Romney has outlined a bold agenda to spur economic growth and create jobs," the campaign said from its Boston headquarters.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.