Republicans demand CDC director explain why children have to wear masks

Republicans point to examples of toddlers removed from planes over mask issues

Thirty-two Republican lawmakers sent a letter to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky asking how the agency reached their determination that children over two years old have to wear masks.

The lawmakers requested that Walensky provide the group with "information on how the [CDC] came to its conclusion that children two years and older should wear facemasks to mitigate the spread of COVID-19" in a letter led by Senator Mike Lee, R-Utah, sent on Thursday.

"The implementation of these recommendations has had serious consequences for some Americans," the lawmakers wrote. "Multiple parents of young children have been removed from flights, and in some instances, permanently banned, from future travel on the airline they were flying due to their toddler’s refusal to wear a mask."

The Republicans pointed out that the CDC mask mandate has made it "almost impossible" for parents of children with disabilities to comply, and has resulted in "increased social isolation and negative mental health consequences."


"The CDC’s mandate that children as young as two years old must wear facemasks is among the most stringent face mask age requirements in the world," the lawmakers wrote, adding that other nations – such as Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Italy – have a much higher age requirement for masks.

Referencing multiple scientific data analyses and infectious disease experts, the legion of Republican lawmakers unleashed a volley of questions at Walensky as to why "the CDC set the minimum age requirement for COVID-19 mask guidelines at two years old."

"Are you continuing to monitor the science that informs your administration’s guidance on children wearing masks?" the lawmakers asked. "Are you willing to modify and update your current guidance?"

"We look forward to receiving your response by May 6, 2021," the lawmakers concluded.


A mother of three in Georgia recently went viral after ripping into the Gwinnett County School Board after the board announced it would be continuing its mask mandate through the next year.

"I think month after month I have been waiting for this mask requirement to end or at the very least ease up, and there's just no end in sight and nobody's even having the discussion about when this is going to stop," Courtney Ann Taylor said in the video posted Thursday.

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