
EXCLUSIVE: The Republican National Committee (RNC) is increasing its efforts to court Black, Hispanic and Asian Pacific Americans with a new online and print ad blitz.

The ads – shared first with Fox News – are being launched Monday nationally and in key general election battleground states. The RNC says it’s spending six-figures in this latest buy, which is part of the party committee’s multi-year, multi-pronged effort to engage targeted communities on certain issues.

The RNC highlights that the ads will be placed in English and Spanish, as well as Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese, Lao, and Cambodian, and will appear in various publications including Indian American and historically Black newspapers.


The messaging in the ads highlights how policy initiatives by Republicans and President Trump align with each audience’s values – and the ads direct voters to the RNC’s vote.gop, where they can register to vote, check their voter registration and make a plan to vote.

“The RNC has made a historic and concerted effort to meet voters where they are through targeted investments in Black, Asian Pacific American, and Hispanic communities,” RNC chair Ronna McDaniel told Fox News in a statement.

A Republican National Committee online ad courting Black voters

A Republican National Committee online ad courting Black voters

“We are talking with voters in their own languages, meeting with Americans of all backgrounds in their communities, and going after every vote in the home stretch of this campaign. Coupled with our latest ad buy, these unprecedented efforts to engage with minority communities will put us over the edge in closely contested battleground states, propelling President Trump and Republicans to victory,” McDaniel emphasized.

The ads courting African Americans spotlight that Republicans are fighting for HBCUS (Historically Black Colleges and Universities), entrepreneurship, criminal justice reform, and school choice. The ads that reach out to Hispanics highlight that Republicans are fighting for freedom, opportunity, faith, and family. And the ads courting the Asian Pacific community showcase that Republicans are fighting for access to choice in education and to economic resources, and have zero tolerance for discrimination.

The RNC touts that due to their long standing on-the-ground presence in key battlegrounds this cycle, they’ve built relationships with minority communities and expanded their presence nationwide. They believe that this permanent presence will “pay massive dividends” on Election Day on Nov. 3.

Party officials say they have 15 community centers geared at engaging the Black community, 17 community centers focusing on courting the Latino community, and 8 community center dedicated to reaching out to Asian Pacific Americans.

The latest Fox News national poll – conducted Oct. 3-6  - shows Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leading the president 80%-16% among non-White voters, and the former vice president topping Trump 69%-26% among Hispanic voters.


Exit polls from the 2016 election indicate Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton won the non-White vote 74%-21% and the Hispanic vote 66%-28%.