Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Mo Brooks, R-Ala., explained during an exclusive interview with "Sunday Mornings Futures" why they are spearheading the effort in the House of Representatives objecting to the certification of the presidential election results on Jan. 6.

"The ultimate arbiter here, the ultimate check and balance is the United States Congress and when something is done in an unconstitutional fashion, which happened in several of these states, we have a duty to step forward and have this debate and have this vote on the 6th of January," Jordan told host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday.

Jordan and Brooks appeared on "Sunday Morning Futures" hours after House Republicans held a rare Saturday night conference call to address their goal of overturning certain states' Electoral College results on Wednesday, Brooks told Fox News.

Brooks said 50 lawmakers, including Jordan, President Trump and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, were on the call. He added that the members on the call reflected only "some" of those in Congress who have committed to challenging the Electoral College results, which favored Democrat Joe Biden.  

In order for an objection to be considered, it must be endorsed by at least one senator and one representative, which is looking more likely as a dozen senators came forward Saturday publicly following the announcement by Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., that he would object to Pennsylvania’s results. 

The senators announced Saturday they would object unless an emergency 10-day audit was conducted to review allegations of voter fraud by an electoral commission.

Following an endorsed objection, the House and Senate would be required to suspend their joint session and separate to debate objections for two hours.

The House and Senate would then need to vote on certifying the results; the objections must maintain a simple majority, otherwise they will be dismissed and the existing results finalized.

On Sunday, Brooks says he intends to object to six states – Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada – saying some of the states "clearly violated Article I, Section 4 of the United States Constitution, the election clause, that empowers the United States Congress paramount authority and then legislatures secondary authority to set the times, places and manner of elections."

"Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, all clearly violated Article I, Section 4 so we can either ratify that with our votes, that illegal conduct, or we can oppose it," he continued. "I stand for opposing the violation of the United States Constitution, federal statutes and state statutes."

Brooks said he has seen "overwhelming and compelling" evidence that there was fraud and brought up Nevada as an example.

Brooks claimed that even though Biden "purportedly prevailed by 33,000 plus or minus votes," there were tens of thousands of "votes identified that were illegal," including from thousands of non-citizens and individuals who allegedly voted twice.  

"You’ve got people who purported to live at an address that doesn’t exist, people who purported to live at an address that is a business address where of course nobody lives, you’ve got dead people voting," Brooks said, adding that if all those votes, which he is "quite confident" overwhelmingly went to Biden, are removed from the equation, "Trump carried Nevada."

"And then you’ve got the massive violation of Article I, Section 4, where mail-in balloting is not allowed," Brooks added. "Congress, pursuant to its powers in Article I, Section 4, establish a day four of the election, that’s a 24 hours window."

"We set exceptions for certain absentee ballot purposes, people overseas, people who are disabled, what have you, but this mail-out ballot scheme, that is in direct violation of Article I, Section 4, that is in direct violation of the statutes of the United States Congress, those are illegal votes."

Republican allegations of widespread voter fraud that could overturn the election results have so far not been proven in court or found by state and local election officials.

The movement to overturn certain states' Electoral College results also has caused a divide within the Republican Party, with several GOP senators condemning the move Saturday.

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, has been a critic of the president throughout his tenure and called GOP senators' plan to reject the Electoral College results an "egregious ploy."

Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., also condemned the move by defending the integrity of his state’s voting accountability, saying Trump's loss was "explained by the decline in suburban support."


Trump repeatedly has claimed the election was fraudulent, despite former Attorney General William Barr announcing that the Department of Justice could find no evidence to support widespread voter fraud.

The Supreme Court has refused two Trump campaign-led lawsuits, and more than 50 cases have been dismissed from lower courts across the country. 

Jordan told Bartiromo on Sunday that he believes Democrats wanted "chaos and confusion created around mail-in voting" because "they were going to win the election after the election."


"Several of these states did it [counting votes] in an unconstitutional fashion. That is the heart of our argument," Jordan added. "So let’s have the debate on Wednesday, let’s show the American people what took place, they haven’t had that, there have been no hearings."

"We’ve called for hearings and investigations in Congress, [House Judiciary Committee Chairman] Jerry Nadler and [Oversight Committee] Chairwoman [Carolyn] Maloney won’t hold them here in the United States House of Representatives so we have to have this debate on the 6th of January, on this Wednesday, so the American people can see what was done in an unconstitutional fashion," he continued.

Fox News’ Caitlin McFall and Ronn Blitzer contributed to this report.