Report: USAID wasting millions in taxpayer dollars in Afghanistan

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has continued to provide millions of American taxpayer dollars to an Afghan government agency that has been repeatedly cited for fraud and abuse, according to a new report.

USAID signed a $236 million contract with the Afghan Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) in 2008. Since then, the American aid group has exercised little oversight over the taxpayer dollars despite warnings there is a "high risk" that the Afghan agency is engaging in "waste, fraud, and abuse."

This potential loss of millions in U.S. taxpayer dollars was discovered by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) and revealed in a new report issued on Thursday by the oversight group.

"Despite financial management deficiencies at the Afghan Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) continues to provide millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars in direct assistance with little assurance that the MoPH is using these funds as intended," SIGAR wrote.

The SIGAR report is just the latest in a series that outlines how U.S. taxpayer dollars have been wasted and spent on projects that benefit Iran, al Qaeda, and even the Taliban.

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