
Sure the two men exchanged heated messages in the media and social media denigrating each others’ wives during the Republican presidential primaries.

Yes, the candidate Donald Trump constantly referred to his closest competitor for the GOP nomination, Sen. Ted Cruz, as “Lyin’ Ted.”

And Cruz may have refused to endorse Trump at the Republican National Convention, but according to Bloomberg Politics that doesn’t mean that President-elect Trump can’t consider the Texas lawyer for the top spot at the Justice Department.

The news site reported that a person familiar with the process said Cruz, a Harvard Law graduate who has argued cases before the Supreme Court, is the front-runner to be named the next U.S. Attorney General.

The Texan firebrand met with Trump at Trump Tower in New York on Tuesday, but didn’t reveal to reporters afterward the subject of the meeting.

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"Cruz is focused on serving Texans in the Senate," the senator’s spokesperson, Catherine Frazier told the New York Daily News in a statement. "He was there … to offer help in promoting the conservative policies that were campaigned on and that he's long fought for."

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani had been mentioned as a possible attorney general. Giuliani spent six years as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

He is now considered a front-runner for Secretary of State.

After reports emerged about the possibility that Cruz had been offered the AG job, Trump commented on the process of naming people to cabinet positions on Twitter.

“Very organized process taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many other positions. I am the only one who knows who the finalists are!” he wrote.

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