Report: Iran secretly continuing nuclear weapons work

Iran never halted its clandestine nuclear weapons program despite repeated assurances to the West, according to a report that sheds new light on Tehran’s current and ongoing research into the creation of a nuclear warhead.

As the Nov. 24 deadline for nuclear talks between the West and Iran approaches, the report provides evidence that Iran continues to “vigorously” pursue a nuclear weapon.

The analysis, authored by leading former American and European officials, bolsters research conducted by the United Nations indicating that Iran continues to hide a great deal of its nuclear work.

The findings coincide with comments issued Thursday by the head of the U.N.’s nuclear agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency, stating that Iran still refuses to explain its research into an atomic weapon.

“Iran has vigorously pursued its ambitions to obtain nuclear weapons,” according to the report, published by the International Committee in Search of Justice, an Iranian opposition group affiliated with the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

“No serious indications that Tehran has stopped or abandoned this project or intends to do so were observed” in multiple internal reports issued by the U.N. over the past years, according to the report.

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