Rep. Lamborn Apologizes for 'Tar Baby' Comment

DENVER -- Rep. Doug Lamborn's office says the Colorado Republican regrets any misunderstanding over his comments on a Denver-based radio show.

Lamborn spoke to KHOW-AM Friday. He was responding to comments about whom voters would hold responsible for actions on the nation's debt ceiling when he said he thought voters would blame the president.

Lamborn said: "Now I don't want to even have to be associated with him. It is like touching a tar baby and you get it -- you're stuck, and you're part of the problem now."

Some people consider the term "tar baby" to be a racial epithet.

Lamborn's spokeswoman Catherine Mortensen said in a written statement Monday that Lamborn simply meant to refer to a sticky situation. She says Lamborn sent an apology letter to President Obama.

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