Rep. Hunter: Obama has abandoned everything US fought for in Iraq

Marine veteran Rep. Duncan Hunter said on “The Kelly File” Tuesday that new revelations by former Defense Secretary Robert Gates and troubling developments on the ground in Iraq are evidence President Obama has abandoned what the military is fighting for in the Middle East.

Hunter, who served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly he is outraged over the Al Qaeda takeover of the Iraqi city of Fallujah last week, which threatens to undo gains made by American troops before the withdrawal in 2011.

“What I see here is a political squandering of military victories and an abandonment by this administration of everything we did in Iraq,” Hunter, R-Calif., said.

Hunter said he is “not surprised” that Obama, according to Gates, appeared to doubt his own strategy in Afghanistan to the point of being “outright convinced it would fail.” He said he believes Obama abandoned the War in Iraq for “purely political reasons.”

“What this president did was abandon everything that we fought for because Iraq could not sustain itself without some American involvement,” he said.

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