Reid swipes line, says question on immigration is 'clown question, bro'

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid swiped a line Tuesday from a Washington Nationals hotshot rookie when asked by a reporter a question he didn’t much like – this one about U.S. immigration reform.

“That’s a clown question, bro,” Reid, D-Nevada, said when asked to comment on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell saying earlier he’ll wait for Mitt Romney to speak first about a GOP immigration reform plan.

Bryce Harper-- the Nationals’ 19-year-old outfielder -- gave the now-often-repeated response earlier this month when asked in Canada whether he was going to celebrate hitting a home run by drinking a beer, considering the country’s drinking age is only 19.

Though Reid appeared to make the comment jokingly, the issue has essentially dominated the presidential campaign since President Obama issued an executive order Friday that would suspend deportation of hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants and make them eligible for a work visa.

McConnell, R-Ky., said earlier Tuesday on Capitol Hill that he and most other GOP senators were holding judgment.

Romney “is the leader of the Republican Party from now until November and hopefully beyond,” McConnell said. “So we'll wait on him to respond.”

Reid also said Senate Republicans have twice stopped the immigration reform legislation known as the DREAM Act and that he doubts McConnell will  “get an answer very soon” from Romney, considering he reserved judgment Sunday about whether he would repeal the executive order, if elected.