Rand Paul says Lindsey Graham 'has been wrong about almost every foreign policy decision of the last two decades'

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., slammed colleague Sen. Lindsey Graham on Tuesday, saying the Republican from South Carolina has an abysmal foreign policy record.

Paul's sharp criticism was directed at Graham's opposition to President's Trump decision to withdraw American troops from northern Syria during an MSNBC appearance.

"Lindsey Graham has been wrong about almost every foreign policy decision of the last two decades," Paul said.

"He was wrong about the Iraq War. The Iraq War was a mistake," he added. "It made Iran stronger, allowed more chaos, more instability, and more terrorism. He was wrong about the war in Libya. It led to more chaos and more terrorism. He is wrong about this."

On Monday, Graham tweeted about the White House move.

"Our southern border should be our LAST line of defense against radical Islam. Our FIRST line of defense is the U.S. military working with partners in radical Islam’s backyard keeping them over there so they can’t hurt us here at home or hurt our allies like Israel," Graham said on Monday. "This is the exact thinking of the previous Administration — leave them alone and let others do our work. It led to the rise of ISIS! Didn’t work then. Won’t work now."

Graham, usually a strong Trump ally, has broken with the president and has called the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Syria "a stain on America's honor" and "shortsighted and irresponsible."

During the interview, Paul said he "didn't see a national interest" in Syria, which has been embroiled in a civil war since 2011.

Lawmakers from both political parties have criticized the White House for effectively abandoning Syrian Kurdish forces who have fought alongside American troops against the ISIS terror group. Last week, Turkey launched a military offensive into Syria last week.

The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) has recently aligned itself with the Syrian government to repel Turkish forces. On Monday, Trump announced he will authorize sanctions on Turkey for its "destabilizing" offensive in Syria.


Hours earlier, several member states of the European Union pledged to suspend weapons exports to Ankara over its Syrian incursion.

The regime of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has already been accused of targeting civilians and journalists in airstrikes.

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