Pro-Trump super PAC to target Biden over economy in new ads running in 3 key battlegrounds

EXCLUSIVE - The largest super PAC supporting President Trump’s reelection  tells Fox News it will spend $7.5 million to run TV commercials in three crucial general election battleground states that take aim at former Vice President Joe Biden over his record on the economy.

The America First Action Super PAC says that its new ads will air on television in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The group says their spots will start running next Thursday – the day after the Trump re-election campaign’s current ad-buy in those same three states is scheduled to end. They add that the commercials will air for four weeks, ending on July 2.


“You can’t trust Joe Biden when it comes to rebuilding the American economy. He supported permanent trade relations with China. He also supported NAFTA, which resulted in 160,000 jobs lost in the state of Michigan alone,” America First Action communications director Kelly Sadler told Fox News.

And Sadler argued that the former vice president’s “economic policies will devastate the Rust Belt and during this time economic recovery, there’s no better person to try than President Trump to rebuild the economy.”

Biden on Thursday blasted Trump over the economy – after the release of the latest weekly jobless claims report that showed another 2.1 million people filing for unemployment last week, bringing the total to more than 40 million since the coronavirus pandemic collapsed the economy more than two months ago.

"This is just the latest evidence of Donald Trump’s utter failure to do what a president should and must do: lead in a crisis,” Biden charged.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee emphasized that Trump “ignored the warnings, refused to prepare the country, and wasn’t honest with the American people about what was needed — and we are all living with the horrific results. Now, nearly a quarter of the American workforce has filed for unemployment — a figure so staggering that it would have seemed unthinkable not long ago."


Last month America First Action spent $10 million to run a broadcast and cable TV, digital and direct mail campaign titled “#BeijingBiden,” which targeted Biden as being soft on China, where the coronavirus originated. The ad-blitz was targeted in the same three states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The group says its ads have had some success, touting that their internal polling in all three states showed a rise in Biden’s unfavorable ratings.

The Biden campaign and a super PAC backing the former vice president have fired back, slamming Trump for repeatedly praising Beijing’s coronavirus efforts and specifically Chinese President Xi Jinping in January and February.

“Everyone knew they lied about the virus. China. President Trump gave China his trust,” the narrator in a commercial by the pro-Biden outside group American Bridge spotlights. The group says it spent at least $1 million to run its ad in the same three battleground states.

Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin reliably voted for Democrats in presidential elections for a quarter-century. But in 2016, Trump narrowly flipped the three so-called ‘Rust Belt’ states from blue to red thanks to support from white working class voters, helping the GOP nominee to win the White House.

The most recent non-partisan polling indicates Biden with the edge over Trump in all three states.

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