Pro-tax reform group's $2.5M TV ad buy targets 23 congressional districts

Jim and Lindsay Pratt of Jefferson, Wisconsin, are featured in the TV ad spotlighting the tax code.

A group pushing tax reform to benefit the middle class has launched a $2.5 million TV ad campaign targeting 23 congressional districts nationwide.

The ad, “Too Complicated,” from the American Action Network’s Middle-Class Growth Initiative, spotlights a Wisconsin small-business owner and his working family. It argues that the current U.S. tax code burdens the nation’s small businesses.

The targeted districts include Wisconsin's 1st congressional district, represented by House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Republican.

Jim and Lindsay Pratt from Jefferson, Wis., are featured in the ad. Jim started a small business to provide residential heating and cooling services to his community -- and he said he doesn't have time to keep up with the complicated tax code, forcing him to spend money on tax professionals.

“Hard-working families and small businesses know far too well the burden the current tax code places on them,” AAN Executive Director Corry Bliss said.


“Our painful tax system has become a massive barrier to America’s economic comeback,” President Trump said in North Dakota last Wednesday. “It really is. We’re penalized. It costs us millions of American jobs, trillions of dollars and billions of hours wasted on paperwork and on compliance.”

The White House has not yet released a detailed tax reform plan, but Trump said he wants a tax code that is “simple, fair and easy to understand.”

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