Trump scored 'historic victory' in first presidential debate, campaign adviser claims

'Joe Biden got his rear end kicked last night and the media wants to change the subject,' Jason Miller tells 'Special Report'

President Trump was the "dominant force" in Tuesday night's presidential debate against Democratic nominee Joe Biden Trump 2020 Campaign Senior Adviser Jason Miller told “Special Report" Wednesday.

“This was the first time in the modern presidential era where the incumbent president won the first debate," Miller told host Bret Baier. "And that's what President Trump did last night. When you talk about the two most important issues in front of folks, and that's ... COVID recovery and economic recovery, President Trump is the only candidate to actually score any points on those issues.”

The president has been heavily criticized for repeatedly interrupting Biden, with former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie telling ABC News Tuesday night that Trump was “too hot.” 

"I couldn't disagree more," Miller said in response to Christie's criticism. "I think President Trump, again, was the dominant force last night. I thought he came out and laid out a clear vision of where he wants to go. And look, he called out Joe Biden for his shortcomings as a candidate. The fact that he was too weak to lead America. The fact that he said the Green New Deal was going to pay for itself, the fact that he said Antifa is just an idea. I mean, this is nonsense. These are the kind of things that will get people hurt ... Joe Biden is too weak, too fragile, he is not prepared to lead the country.


"If Joe Biden is too weak to defend himself, it doesn't matter if it's the debate commission. It doesn't matter if it's a moderator," Miller added. "Joe Biden doesn't have his liberal allies on the stage to defend him."

Addressing the debate's dust-up over White supremacist groups, Miller accused the mainstream media of "being hypocrites on this issue."


"Joe Biden does not get called out for speaking at the funeral for -- I guess he is a Grand Wizard, a Grand Dragon of the KKK," he said, apparently referring to the late Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia. "The fact that he supported racist policies for years. Even his running mate Kamala Harris said his policies were racist, that he was palling around with segregationists. When is Joe Biden going to have to denounce the KKK since he showed up and spoke at the funeral of one of their Grand Cyclops -- why doesn't Joe Biden have to do that?"

"This is a sideshow," Miller added, "because Joe Biden got his rear end kicked last night and the media wants to change the subject."

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