President Obama to Commemorate 9/11

President Obama will mark the tenth anniversary of September 11th next month with visits to the three locations of the attacks that claimed the lives of 2,752 people in 2001, the White House announced Tuesday.

"On September 11, 2011, the president and Mrs. Obama will join with the rest of the American people in marking the tenth anniversary of a day that we will never forget," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney announced.

Mr. Obama will travel to Lower Manhattan, Shanksville, Pennsylvania, as well as the Pentagon in Northern Virginia to participate in events at each of the three sites. The president will pay respect those who lost their lives as well as the first responders and heroic men and women who served in harm's way in the last ten years.

"On September 10th, the day prior, the vice president will attend the dedication of the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania." Carney told reporters.

Further details about the president's and vice president's schedules will be announced in the coming weeks.