President Obama Discusses Immigration and Reform Plans in El Salvador

President Obama's trip to El Salvador may be ending early, but not before he had an opportunity to discuss immigration reform in the Central American nation - a nation which has over two million people living and working in the United States, and some 30 percent of that illegally.

While Obama did not say anything he hasn't said in the past, including the idea that any immigration reform has to come in the form of bi-partisan legislation, he did say something needs to be done for those already in the United States illegally.

"We also have to make sure that those who are in the United States illegally at this point, but in some cases have been there for a long time, in some cases have children that were born in the United States and are United States citizens, that they have a pathway to get right by the law," Obama said.

The president placed the blame of the failure of immigration reform legislation squarely on the shoulders of Republicans in Congress, saying a broad comprehensive approach is what is needed and that it's been more difficult in the past two years to gain GOP support on the effort.

And in talking about immigration, he seemed to play to the home-town crowd in San Salvador, saying immigration reform is the "right thing" to do.

"This is the time to do it and I will continue to push hard to make it happen. The politics of this are difficult. But I am confident that ultimately we are going to get it done."