Poll: Obama leads among single voters, Romney captures married couples

All the single ladies ... seem to really like President Obama.

A new Quinnipiac University poll shows Obama has a 2-to-1 advantage over Mitt Romney among single women in the 2012 presidential race. In fact, the survey underscores the so-called "marriage gap" between the two opponents -- in general, single voters favor Obama while married voters favor the Republican candidate.

According to the poll, married voters back Romney 51-38 percent. Single voters, though, back Obama 54-34 percent. The gap is much wider among single women -- 60 percent for Obama, 31 percent for Romney.

Those factors combine to give the president a slight overall advantage over Romney in the race for the White House this November. The national poll showed Obama with 46 percent support, compared with 43 percent for Romney.

The poll of 2,722 registered voters was taken July 1-8. It had a margin of error of 1.9 percentage points.